Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Life has been so busy recently...Daniel has been to Italy 3 times this year as well as to Austin twice and once to Chicago...When we are not home alone we just stay really busy !

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

wow it has been so long since I have posted something...DH keeps saying I should write some of the interesting things down that we do around here ....mostly that we need a blog just for "Dennis the menace" alone... so I guess I will start.... and I am not going to worry about typos or various bad grammer... I will be lucky to get through one blog ! We are super excited today... we got a new something to help us get to the beach included a three hour drive but we all made it back ...we went out to eat after ward and thats when ....the dinner ended quite abrublty when Dennis ... knocked over DH drink onto him ...and so ... DH was covered in Dr. Pepper.... and so ended dinner out... only other thing Dennis did today, was got covered in dirt...seems how it just rained it was a welcome site.... although I must say ... I think that God sent lil Dennis to me to help me overcome my OCD,.....He licks everything and gets into everything and just is him ....he is so cute.... I love him so much ! Well I will try and write tomorrow on the oldest of our now six children.... the first ... I think that I will nickname her .... talker !

Saturday, August 9, 2008

First Post !

The First Post ... a place to collect thoughts and various happenings of the long days that are so short because so much is going on much going on that one needs to write things down to remember everything...